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FP8 Space Research Hearing event on Dec. 8, 2010 (EC, Brussels)

On Dec.8, 2010 a hearing event on the planned space research in FP8 has been held in the Directorate-General for Enterprise and Industry of the European Commission on Dec.8, 2010 in Brussels. The aim of the hearing is "to give Europe's space research community an opportunity to provide the European Commission with ideas to drive the preparation of the FP8 Space theme".

The event attracted some *150* participants and around *100* written contributions. *20* of these contributions were selected for oral presentation and consequent open discussion during the meeting. A dedicated webpage has been set up with all written and oral contributions:

This webpage will be updated with any further materials or announcements.

Furthermore, given the very positive response to this event and by popular demand, it has been decided to keep open the possibility of submitting written contributions, using the "Feedback Form" on the aforementioned site (to be sent to entr-fp8-hearing(at),
until 1 February 2011.